En Accolade Media

En Accolade is a French cooking term meaning two flavors holding each other up on the same plate. As a storyteller who shares the experience around food, whether grown or plated artistically, I feel a good story can’t be shared without the great experience.

This site is dedicated to growers like farms, ranches and vintners. But also to the cottage food creator, chefs, food artisans, coffee roasters and more.

  • Designer & Storyteller

    Creator behind En Accolade Media and the up and coming Wyoming Farm Guide


Meet MarChel

I’m originally a writer from an early age. I’ve been telling stories first to my grandfather and then to the public as a kid. Writing and telling stories has always been my talent. With 20 years in agriculture and then 10 in French fine dining I have combined my skills and talents to put a spotlight on those same talented people I worked with for all of those years.

Storytelling has always been my craft and I offer it now to help share your story and what your business can offer to make someone else’s business or life even better.

You can find out more about my background and hospitality business development tips on LinkedIn.



Happy to answer any questions you may have before getting started. Or just drop us a line and say “Hi!”

Not sure what you need? Fill out the form with your information and we’ll be in touch shortly.


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En Accolade Media, today.